New Scholar book: Contabilidad para todos: Introducción al registro contable

Contabilidad para todos: Introducción al registro contable


Authors: Manuel Rajadell, Oriol Trullàs, Pep Simo

Language: Spanish

Binding: Perfect-bound Paperback

Pages: 206 pages

Dimensions(cm): 18.9 wide x 24.6 tall




This book is a practical manual whose aim is to help the reader to understand how accounting Works, from an educational perspective. Its aim is to explain in an entertaining and simple way the principles of bookkeeping and accounting. On the shelves of bookstores are many manuals that address the same issues as this one… but years of teaching experience and feedback with students has prompted us to write this book, with the intention of providing a more enjoyable, digestible and practical content.


The student will find an introduction to the key concepts of accounting standards and bookkeeping mechanisms. He/she will understand how to build a balance sheet and an income statement, based on the accounting standards mandatory for Spanish SMEs. As a central part of the book, accounting exercises of all kinds are presented, aimed at students interested in the practice or application of accounting techniques.



Digital format (Open Access): PDF[es]

Purchase a printed book: LuluAmazon.esAmazon.comCreatespace

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