Monthly Archives: February 2012

New image of Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management (JIEM) web

JIEM releases a new version of web platform and some changes in the journal’s image. Among them, we highlight new features in the sidebar and a more compact image adapted to tablets.

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JOTSE indexed in Dulcinea and Open Science Repository

Dulcinea is a product that is part of the project: The Open Access to the scientific production in Spain: current situation analysis and presentation of policies and strategies to promote their development.   Open Science Directory. It has been developed … Continue reading

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Edna R. Bravo: New member of the Editorial Board of Intangible Capital

The editorial team of Intangible Capital thanks to Dra. Edna R. Bravo of the Universidad Industrial de Santander (Colombia) who has agreed to join the Editorial Board. About Dra. Edna R. Bravo: Currently the journal is expanding and renovating the … Continue reading

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