Harvard Deusto Business Research


Harvard Deusto Busines Review has been in the market of business publications for more than thirty years. With more than two hundred issues published, has become a reference in today’s business environment. Harvard Deusto Business Research goes one step further and focuses in publishing academic research papers in the field of business and management.

Harvard Deusto Business Research is the outcome of the collaboration of EAE Business School and OBS (Online Business School), with the intention to become a reference publication for the academic community, a space to disseminate the most relevant research on business and management. It will be the place to publish papers reporting original and interdisciplinary research, representing a significant contribution in its academic field.

arvard Deusto Business Research aims to be a rigorous research journal, a publishing reference for academics in business and management. It attempts to be a meeting point for scientists and researchers, and to encourage debate and the exchange of ideas in order to improve the knowledge of business environment and help to foster its competitiveness.

Visit the journal: Harvard Deusto Business Research

OmniaScience is responsible for the scientific advice of the journal with the goal of achieving a quality publication to increase public knowledge and achieve the objectives set by the editorial committee.

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