International Joint Conference 2016 (IJC2016) “Building bridges between researchers and practitioners” will be held in Tecnun – University of Navarra, Donostia-San Sebastian (Spain) on July 13-15 of 2016.
The Conference is a forum to disseminate, to all branches of academy and industry, information on the most recent and relevant research, theories and practices in Industrial Engineering and Operations Management.
The mission of the Conference is to promote links between researchers and practitioners from different areas of industrial engineering and management, in order to enhance an interdisciplinary perspective of the field. It will be a conference of very high standards, built on the experience of previous editions of CIO, ICIEOM and IIE conferences.
We are confident that the International Joint Conference 2016 (IJC2016) will be a unique opportunity for networking, with a high quality scientific program and an exciting social program.
Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management will publish a special issue of the best papers of the conference selected by the IJC2016 editors.
Call for papers
Full papers (maximum of eight pages) and extended abstracts (maximum of two pages) are the submission alternatives in 2016. Extended abstracts will only be published in the abstract book and will be included in the poster sessions. Full papers could be presented in oral sessions or poster sessions and depending on their quality, will also be published in the conference proceedings, selected journals (i.e. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management) or as book chapters.
Full paper or extended abstract submission: February 15th 2016
Notification of results to authors: April 15th 2016
Final versions of full papers: May 15th 2016