Conducta poblacional de fitonematodos en cultivos agrícolas en el valle de Mexicali, Baja California

Conducta poblacional de fitonematodos en cultivos agrícolas en el valle de Mexicali, Baja California


Authors: Benjamín Avena-Arambul, Carlos Ceceña-Durán, Daniel González-Barajas, Onécimo Grimaldo-Juárez, Dagoberto Durán-Hernández

Language: Spanish

Binding: Perfect-bound Paperback

Pages: 68 pages

Dimensions (cm): 18.9 wide x 24.6 tall






Mexicali Valley is noted for large plantings of wheat and alfalfa, generating significant revenue in the area.


Recent studies have shown the presence of nematodes. The objective of this text is to identify existing populations of these plant pathogenic microorganisms. A sampling was performed on 100 farms for each crop. Results show the existence of pathogenic nematodes in alfalfa. Tylenchorynchus sp, Pratylenchus sp. and Aphelenchus sp stood out for their greater proportion. In wheat crops, gender Pratylenchus sp. had the highest proportion followed by Tylenchorynchus sp.


Psilenchus sp., Tylenchus sp., Paratylenchus sp. and Xiphinema sp. genres were detected in isolated areas and in less important populations.


This shows the wide diversity of these plant pathogens in both crop species in the Valley of Mexicali, and the need to generate biotechnological alternatives for management and control.



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