Books Publishing

OmniaScience Monographs and OmniaScience Scholar offers authors a process of publication that brings a wide range of benefits to authors:

High-quality publishing

Thanks to our publishing platform, the professionalism of the editorial team and the strict practices of quality and reviewing, OmniaScience can publish scientific monographs and academic books of high quality. Furthermore, authors benefit from an agile and fast process, essential for the scientific and academic community.

Personalized assistance

Authors benefit from a highly professionalized service and continuous support along the whole editorial process, guiding and helping them to develop their work. We are fully available for the whole publication process.

High impact and visibility

Once published, your research work will acquire a wide international visibility. The publications are distributed online through the OmniaScience, and through multiple repositories.

Publishing in paper and in open access

All books are published preferably in open access with a Creative Common licence, being the researchers the holders of the copyright of their work. Copyright is not transferred to OmniaScience. If you wish, your work can be offered in the traditional paper format. You will have the possibility of obtaining economic profit from the sales of your work in paper format.


For further information contact with us.

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