Tag Archives: editorial board

Esteban Lafuente: New member of the Editorial Board of Intangible Capital

The editorial team of Intangible Capital thanks to Phd Esteban M. Lafuente González of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, BarcelonaTech (España) who has agreed to join the Editorial Board. About Esteban Lafuente: https://www.doe.upc.edu/pers/lafuente-esteban Currently the journal is expanding and renovating the Editorial Board.

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Edna R. Bravo: New member of the Editorial Board of Intangible Capital

The editorial team of Intangible Capital thanks to Dra. Edna R. Bravo of the Universidad Industrial de Santander (Colombia) who has agreed to join the Editorial Board. About Dra. Edna R. Bravo: https://co.linkedin.com/pub/dra-edna-r-bravo-ibarra/16/286/508 Currently the journal is expanding and renovating the … Continue reading

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David Castillo: New member of the Editorial Board of Intangible Capital

The editorial team of Intangible Capital thanks to David Castillo of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) who has agreed to join the Editorial Board. About David Castillo: https://i2tic.net/es/equipo/david-castillo-merino/ Currently the journal is expanding and renovating the Editorial Board.

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