Eficacia de entomopatógenos en el control de mosca blanca en el algodonero DDR 014: Bemisia argentifolli, Bellows and Perring


Carlos Ceceña-Durán
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
Daniel González-Mendoza
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
Onécimo Grimaldo-Juárez
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
Pedro Ruvalcaba Sandoval
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
Olivia Tzintzun Camacho
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
Dagoberto Durán-Hernández
Universidad Autónoma de Baja California

This research sought to determine the biological effectiveness of entomopathogenic fungi on the whitefly in the cotton crop in the spring-summer cycles of two agricultural cycles. The following treatments were considered in the first cycle: Paecilomyces (A.M.) applied during the morning, Paecilomyces (A.V.) applied during the evening, Verticillium (A.M.) applied during the morning, Verticillium (A.V.) applied during the evening, chemical treatment (Herald + Hostation) and absolute treatment.

Similarly, the second cycle included 5 treatments: A conventional chemical treatment, the mixture of chemical treatment + entomopathogens, Verticillium sp., applied during the evening, Paecilomyces sp., applied during the evening and an absolute witness.

In the results, it was observed that the results of the chemical treatment and the entomopathogen + chemical treatment mixture were the most effective, with a lower presence of whitefly and nymphs in leaves. It is concluded that the whitefly population is drastically affected with chemical control, which is manifested in the highest yield potential with 6,906 bales/ha, and a less fumagine-stained fiber with 11.0%. However, the use of Verticillium represents an alternative of biological control, since it is capable of inducing an outstanding production (6,339 bales / ha) with fiber moderately affected by fumagine.

Cover for Eficacia de entomopatógenos en el control de mosca blanca en el algodonero DDR 014: Bemisia argentifolli, Bellows and Perring