L'arquitectura com a marca


Anna Pujol-Ferran
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Oscar Farrerons Vidal
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

Communication has reached all disciplines and themes and Architecture is no exception. The number of buildings, spaces and monuments that have become architectural brands has increased in recent times and are present in several cities around the world. Brands enhance the image of companies, cities and countries, which position themselves as tourist destinations. Certainly, the architects that project them become star architects or simply, architects-brand.

With a singular and differentiating architecture, they are consumer products within this society that seek new challenges both urban and social.

No matter their role, they can be museums, libraries, commemorative monuments or pavilions. First of all they are architectural symbols, which visitors or recipients turn into admired brands.

The following book dip us into the analysis of some of these brands to deepen our understanding of this phenomenon, which is evident growing throughout the 21st century.

Cover for L'arquitectura com a marca