Cómo hacer un plan de empresa EUNCET


Paola Mastrantonio Ramos
EUNCET Business School
Cristina Cáliz Rivera
EUNCET Business School
María Jesús Mármol Pérez
EUNCET Business School
Manuel Rajadell
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Óscar Coduras Martínez
EUNCET Business School
Xavier Tapias Nadales
EUNCET Business School
Josep Pacreu Torrella
EUNCET Business School

This book is intended as a support tool where you can find all essential materials to develop a business plan.

The book is structured in three blocks of content. The first is focused to develop the business idea; from the business proposal of the initial idea to the business model design and strategic analysis, considering the different environments to take into account and proposing a strategic plan for the company.

The second block is made up of different operational and strategic plans of the company, finding information on the development of business plans: Marketing, Operations, Economic and Financial, Human Resources, Legal and Tax, Contingency and Business Continuity.

The third block is composed of extra material, annexes and bibliography plus a glossary of terms related to business.

Cover for Cómo hacer un plan de empresa EUNCET