2 Titles

The Epsilon Collection (EUNCET) gathers university-level educational books with a clear professional vocation in the area of Business Administration and Management. It constitutes one of the reference materials for the different areas of management and the EUNCET Business School. Next, you can find the list of books from this collection that are available, organized by date:

Cover for Casos de Contabilidad de Costes EUNCET Casos de Contabilidad de Costes EUNCET
Daniel Benito Sánchez et al.
May, 2017
DOI: 10.3926/oss.33 / ISBN: 978-84-942118-7-4 / 978-84-946352-0-5
Language: Spanish
Cover for Cómo hacer un plan de empresa EUNCET Cómo hacer un plan de empresa EUNCET
Paola Mastrantonio Ramos et al.
September, 2016
DOI: 10.3926/oss.26 / ISBN: 978-84-944673-5-6 / 978-84-945603-5-4
Language: Spanish